The EXCO offers a variety of support services for institutions and organizations
that want to win bids or host domestic or international conventions and other major events in Daegu.
Services include providing bid advice and proposal writing support, PR content and press release support,
arranging convention facilities and providing financial support for hosting events.
Bidding Support
Promotional Support
Hosting Support
Support details
* Differential support based on the scale of participant
- Writing proposal for bidding
- Support for costs related to inviting international board members to Daegu for an inspection visit
- Support for airfare and accommodation for attending the hosting decision meeting
- Promotion and production of souvenirs, etc.
- Participation in related prior conferences and promotional booth setup
- Production of promotional content and materials
- Media promotion support (press release distribution, etc.)
Financial Support
- Available Use for Hosting Grants Rent
- Official food and beverage expenses and performance costs
- ccommodation costs for the organizers
- Operation of tourism programs
Administrative Support
- Other Support Items
- Collaboration support with local governments and related organizations
- Distribution of press releases related to the event
- Promotion to EXCO's official social media (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook) and web members
- Event hosting consulting (providing information on accommodation, performances, and reception venues)
- -Support for tourist information desks and cultural experience programs
유치 지원
- 유치 제안서 및 발표자료 제작
- 국제 임원 대구초청 및 답사 비용지원
- 유치 결정 회의 참가 항공 및 숙박비
- 홍보 및 기념품 제작 등
홍보 지원
- 전차(유관)대회 참가 및 홍보부스, Korea Night 운영
- 홍보 콘텐츠 및 홍보물 제작 등
- 언론 홍보지원(보도자료 배포 등)
개최 지원
재정적 지원
- 개최지원금 지원
(*아래항목으로 사용가능)
- 임차료
- 공식 식음료비 및 공연비
- 주최측 숙박비
- 관광프로그램운영
행정적 지원
- 기타지원사항
- 지자체 및 유관기관 협업 지원
- 개최관련 보도자료 배포
- EXCO공식SNS(유튜브,인스타,페이스북) 및 웹회원 대상 홍보
- 행사개최 컨설팅(숙박,공연,리셉션 베뉴 정보제공)
- 관광안내데스크 및 문화체험프로그램 지원